Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 1-ish :)

Total steps taken so far-8403! I have no idea how far that is, as I haven't calculated my stride distance yet, but it's more than I expected it to be seeing as I'm not at work, and it's been Christmas. Once I'm back at work I'll be going to the gym a couple of times a week, and doing lunch-time walks to up my total, plus I'll just be more active in general, cos I won't be on the sofa all day ;) I'm still feeling pretty positive about this challenge.

I borrowed my Dads copy of the Atlas of Middle Earth, which I bought for him as a birthday gift many years ago. I'm going to photocopy all the maps with the Fellowships routes marked out so I can mark my progress on an actual physical map :D I don't think I'll put them up on the wall or anything, but I'll update each big milestone.

Apologies for any huge glaring spelling mistakes, or anything in this post, but I'm doing this on my iPhone for the first time, and it doesn't really interface properly, I can't actually see what I'm typing at all!! I'll try to remember to check and edit tomorrow on my netbook.

Night all! xx

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