Saturday, December 18, 2010

Excercise, Middle-earth style!!

Thanks to a link posted by @wingthing on twitter, I have decided to embark on the Eowyn Challenge!

'What the heck is that you crazy fool?!' I hear you cry-Let me explain.

Many years ago,the was a learned man who decided to disobey all the rules of writing stories. This man was,of course, John Ronald Reul Tolkien (JRR to you!),and the results of his rule-breaking were The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings books. The epic trilogy is now on film(of course you know this, if you don't, where have you been,and do you know me at all?!) and during the wait between 2 of them, some clever, rather energetic people came up with The Eowyn Challenge!

'Yes, but WHAT is it?!'

OK,OK, its a challenge to walk the same distance as they do in JJRT's great works!! Yup, its a VERY long way!! Hobbiton to Rivendell (you know,where the bad guy from the Matrix lives?) is 458 miles alone, and they do that in half a movie!!!! The truth is,the films make it look like its just over the next hill, when its actually closer to half the length of Britain!!

'You are crazy! You don't do any exercise!!'

No, I don't really-yet. Over the past couple of months I have started going to the gym, but I am so unfit I can only manage a few minutes on the ski machine (can't use a treadmill due to an ankle injury :( ) but every little helps when it comes to getting fitter, and I am making myself do 30 seconds longer when I think I want to stop, pushing past my last longest time each time,so I'm getting better :)

I plan to do this challenge using a combination of gym sessions,and using a pedometer every day. I will also try to run outdoors once my ankle heals and I'm fitter, using the micoach app on my phone to record outside distances.

I'm not going to work to any kind of deadline, I'm going to go at the pace I feel I can manage, and I'm going to use this blog to keep myself motivated, and to record my progress :)

If anyone fancies joining me, visit for details of the challenge.

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome that you're joining me!
    Of course you should take as long as you need. The fact you're starting this challenge is already a very big goal indeed. Nobody and no body is the same, and we all have a different kind of life. So you should always, with all exercises keep your own goals and not match some one elses.

    I decided i'm not counting my other activities like moving, renovating and such, like others do. Only the measurable miles, like you on the ski machine and such. The activity i get without the miles, are just life. I want to do this to improve myself, so i have to push myself to do more and not count the things i would do normally :)

    The place where i saw this first was on Ravelry. There's a group there who dont let people tell where they are in Middle-earth at that time and motivate eachother, they also do things accordingly. When some one arrived at the farmers place, they posted a recipe of an awesome stew and crocheted a mushroom XD
    I'm hoping i can do somthing like that too on my blog :-)

    Like i said on Twitter... See you in Imladris!!
    And good luck, be save and travel light :)
