Friday, March 04, 2011

Another 47.7 miles! And a new companion on the quest.

Wow!! I'll be beating Frodo to Mount doom at this rate (well, not really, but I'm certainly speeding up!) nearly 48 miles clocked up since my last update, it's a bit crazy!!

I have this lad to thank for my new burst of speed

This is Barney, our new lurcher. He's 5 years old, and we adopted him from GRWE Glos. GRWE are a charity that rescue greyhounds, other sighthounds, and their cross breeds from all over the UK and Ireland. Lots come as failed racers, but many come from pounds and other rescue organisations too. Dogs are carefully matched to prospective adopters, and there is always someone you can call for advice with any problems you might have.
Barney has been with us 2 weeks tomorrow, and he is settling in very well. He is clean inside already, and is learning the rules quickly. We hope to be able to take him to a training class soon. He's very good with all the dogs we've met out walking, so we think a mass training class will be good, not only to train him (cos he really does need it, he doesn't know any commands at all) but so he can mix with some other dogs and let loose a little bit. It's still early days though, and we don't want to rush him, it's been a big change for him, coming from a poachers can (they think) to a pound, shipped over from Ireland to kennels, then on to us, poor chap must be confused! He is showing us he likes being here more enthusiastically every day though, it's wonderful watching him come out of himself.

More on Barney another time, time for me to go to bed, more miles want to be walked tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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