Monday, February 14, 2011

Long overdue Eowyn challenge update!

Wow! Since my last update, I have walked a whopping 60.7 miles!! I am shocked!

I have been actively trying to be, lol, and it appears to have paid off! I have actually done more than thus, as I know of 2 quite active days I forgot to take my poke-walker with me, but I'm not going to estimate those, my own fault ;)

My total miles is now at 116!! I have left Tom Bombadil's house, after being rescued from the Barrow Wights, and am riding north on one of the ponies borrowed from Tom.

I must try to update more regularly again, but this has given me a big boost :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I need to start updating too...
